The extremely successful show, The Illusionists has toured around the world with 3 shows (The Illusionists, The Illusionists 2.0 and The Illusionists 1903) and has become one of the most successful magic shows of all time and the best-selling magic show in Broadway history.
Magic on Ice
Illusion Projects has been proud to collaborate with Wheeler productions to design and build illusions and prop pieces for Magic on Ice since 2009. Magic on Ice “ILUSIO” is the critically acclaimed ice spectacular that has entertained millions of people across America, Europe and Asia and the Middle East.
The Illusion starring Eun-gyeol Lee
Illusion Projects has collaborated with Eun-gyeol Lee and The Illusion team to design and develop the main illusion elements for the show. The Dynamic Fire spiker was based on Mark Kalins classic Fire Spiker illusion and given a new style by Eun-gyeol Lee.
Band of Magicians
Band of Magicians (BoM) are the hottest faces of modern magic; together they have created a show loaded with outstanding illusions, dazzling deceptions and astounding artistry. They’ve packed in the crowds across the globe to rave reviews. The chemistry between this awesome foursome is what sets them apart in the magic world.